We have a verified list of more than 60,000 Presidents and CEOs of American corporations, most with full contact information. Emails were verified in March of 2022; deliverability is estimated at 94%. The retail value of this data is more than $6,000. Our price is just $600 $300.
You can download a sample here (csv format from Google drive). Or, you can view a sample here (will open Google Sheets).
Below is a short video with an overview of the data.
Here are all of the categories you will receive in this list:
person_title |
person_name |
person_location_state |
person_location_postal_code |
person_location_country |
person_location_city |
person_linkedin_url |
Last Name |
First Name |
person_email |
person_detailed_function |
organization_angellist_url |
organization_current_technologies |
organization_domain |
organization_facebook_url |
organization_founded_year |
organization_hq_location_city |
organization_hq_location_country |
organization_hq_location_postal_code |
organization_hq_location_state |
organization_industries |
organization_languages |
organization_linkedin_numerical_urls |
organization_linkedin_specialties |
organization_name |
organization_num_current_employees |
organization_phone |
organization_seo_description |
organization_twitter_url |
organization_website_url |
Status |
If you’d like to explore how lead generation campaigns work, there is more information in a short video here.
If you’d like to order the list, just email jeff AT invocabo.com for an invoice and payment options.
If you’d like to schedule an appointment to talk about this list, pick a time that is convenient for you from this calendar: