Regional Home Furnishing Company Case Study

Invocabo has a revolutionary digital targeting tool that focuses online advertising to households based on their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. We integrate off-line household information with IP data to produce extraordinarily effective targeting segments that contain only qualified prospects, delivering the most relevant online advertising to a client’s true audience, increasing revenue online and off.
Business Situation
The client, a regional home furnishing company, had an extensive list of past purchasers and wanted a more cost effective way to reach them.

After completing a discovery process, the client decided to launch an IP Targeting campaign that would complement other ongoing advertising efforts. We built a one month IP Targeting Campaign to target past customers at one of the client’s retail locations. The target customers’ home addresses were provided from their CRM system. The campaign was centered around providing a time-limited discount via a printable coupon. Our analytics and Google Analytics were used to track campaign performance.
Measurable Client Results
Upon completion of the ad serving, we worked with the customer to perform a differential matchback. This process compares the households that we targeted with households that we did not target, allowing us to determine the effectiveness of the IP targeted advertising when other ad campaigns are present. Our targeted customers were 14% more likely to purchase and on average spent 4% more on their purchases. The campaign produced over $30,000 in incremental revenue in 30 days.
To learn more about how Invocabo can improve your results, while lowering cost please contact us
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